CPG, Subscription Boxes

The Cumin Club

The Cumin Club

The Cumin Club

5-minute Indian Meals curated by hundreds of local cuisine experts across India and delivered to your door.




total impressions/


fully licensed assets


EMV (earned media value)


The Cumin Club partnered with Joybyte to increase brand awareness with U.S. audiences through influencer marketing and create UGC that could be used on social media. 

The Challenge

The Cumin Club was already working with Indian ambassadors and had a large group of fans in the Indian community, but they wanted to increase their reach across other cultures and spread brand awareness throughout the United States. Indian food can be a bit polarizing – you may either love it or you hate it. Finding influencers of different cultures who didn’t grow up eating Indian food but would appreciate the cuisine could prove to be difficult.

Our Solution

The Joybyte team had to find an audience that was familiar enough with Indian food or was willing to try it, but not already too familiar with it that they were already making it at home themselves and therefore didn’t need the product/see the value in it. We found a great niche within college students, parents of college students, and professionals that don’t have time to cook – like nurses and doctors – but that appreciated the food because it’s nostalgic and saved them time when making it. At the end of the campaign, 56 influencers created 65 pieces of fully-licensed content for the brand!